Biometric Access Control System
The biometric access control system refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits. It is used as a form of identification or an access system. In most biometric systems, physiological characteristics of a person is used for its identification like, voice, DNA, iris orretinal scan and hand print. A biometric control system will only require the user to provide the respective identification needed (e.g. voicerecognition, iris or retinal scan and hand print), and then it will be matched to the stored image to verify its identity. The system ties a unique physiologic attribute of a user to a certain data which they are allowed to access. The most common biometric control system is the use of fingerprints, but lately retinal and iris scans, facial or voice recognition is also available. This kind of control system is more convenient than that of the use of swipe identification cards. Swipe identification cards are more costly compared to biometric access control system. Biometric access control system is way safer than just swiping identification cards. For the reason that, swipe cards can be easily stolen and the person who possess it can easily acquire its identity if the card is not yet blocked. Unlike the use of unique physical features, these features are impossible to be taken from you.
What is AEBAS ?
AEBAS stands for Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System. The purpose AEBAS system is to enable an employee with an Aadhaar Number, to mark his/her attendance in the government offices through Biometric Authentication device. For this purpose, Authentication Tablets/Desktop Authentication devices will be installed in each offices of the Central Ministries/Departments.
—Biometric Attendance System based on Aadhaar Authentication (Fingerprint and Iris Based Authentication).
—Attendance System with real time monitoring.
—Comprehensive MIS.
—Lightweight System- Does not requires any special hardware or algorithm.
—Works on multiple platforms (Windows, Android, etc.) and form factors( Laptop, Desktop and Tablets, etc.).
—Robust System- Self sustained for small power cuts.
—Time taken to Record Attendance:
1-2 Seconds on Wi-Fi
8-11 Seconds on GPRS (SIM)
Employee cannot ,
Mark attendance in backdate
—Mark someone else’s attendance
—Tracks time of entry, exit hence MIS can track hours spent in office.
—Easy online registration
How it Works
AEBAS Application Screenshot
Fig. AEBAS Windows (Desktop ) Application is showing Bioenable device connected, Check above Screenshot. |
Fig. AEBAS Android App is showing Bioenable device connected , Check above Screenshot. |
This is a short description in the author block about the author. You edit it by entering text in the "Biographical Info" field in the user admin panel.
The technology may be correct but senior citizens and super senior citizens thumb impressions may not tally because of the age as well as system of taking Thumb impression.
ReplyDeleteGovt should think over of solving the problem for ration,old age pension etc so that they may not suffer.
ya.. i do agree